Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 5

Edited by Trace Daniels-Lerberg, Dana Driscoll, Mary K. Stewart, and Matthew Vetter

CoverWriting Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 5, is a collection of Creative Commons licensed essays for use in the first year writing classroom, all written by writing teachers for students. This volume continues the tradition of previous volumes with diverse topics such as advanced rhetoric, translanguaging and code-meshing practices, revision workflows, environmental justice, social annotation, Wikipedia, plagiarism, accessibility, data analysis, writing knowledge transfer, and more. Teaching strategies and discussion questions follow each chapter.

Table of Contents

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1. We Write Because We Care: Developing Your Writerly Identity, Glenn Lester, Taylor Lucas, Sydney Doyle, and Alison Overcash

2. Dispositions Toward Learning珍妮弗·威尔斯

3.。“Is This for a Grade?” Understanding Assessment, Evaluation, and Low-Stakes Writing Assignments, Jason McIntosh

4. How Writing Happens, Zack DePiero and Ryan Dippre

5. What Color Is My Voice? Academic Writing and the Myth of Standard English, Kristin DeMint Bailey, An Ha, and AJ Outlar

6. What Can I Add to Discourse Communities? How Writers Use Code-Meshing and Translanguaging to Negotiate Discourse, Lisa Tremain

7. Environmental Justice: Writing Urban Spaces, Mattius Rischard

8. Enabling the Reader, Kefaya Diab

9. Everything’s Biased: A Guide to Determining When Bias Matters, Danielle DeRise

10. Reading in Conversation: A Writing Student’s Guide to Social Annotation, Michelle Sprouse

11. “I Passed First-Year Writing—What Now?”: Adapting Strategies from First-Year Writing to Writing in the Disciplines, Amy Cicchino

12. Strategies for Analyzing and Composing Data Stories, Angela M. Laflen

13. “Doing Research Is Fun; Citing Sources Is Not”: Understanding the Fuzzy Definition of Plagiarism, Rachel Hall Buck and Silvia Vaccino-Salvadore

14. Elaborate Rhetorics, David Blakesley

15. What Is Rhetoric? A “Choose Your Own Adventure” Primer, William Duffy

16. Thinking across Modes and Media (and Baking Cake): Two Techniques for Writing with Video, Audio, and Images, Crystal VanKooten

17. You Are Good for Wikipedia, >Matthew A. Vetter and Oksana Moroz

18. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Peer Review, Erin E. Kelly

19. Changing Your Mindset About Revision, L. Lennie Irvin

20. What’s the Diff? Version History and Revision Reflections, Benjamin Miller

21. Navigating Your Collaborative Project, Ellen Cecil-Lemkin and Tamara Gluck

22. Writing Science in the First Year of College: Why It Matters to STEM Students and How STEM Students Benefit from It, >Chris Thaiss and Stephanie Wade


About the Editors

Trace Daniels-Lerberg is an Assistant Professor (lecturer) for the Department of Rhetoric & Writing Studies at the University of Utah. She earned her Ph.D. in English from the University of Texas—Arlington, with a with a Women’s and Gender Studies graduate certificate. She was the UT—Arlington FYW Assistant Director and the Writing Center Director, where she collaborated with the VP of Research to develop Graduate Student and Faculty Writing Support Programs before joining the U as an Assistant Professor (lecturer) and the Associate Writing Program Director, where she works undergraduate and graduate students. Her research and teaching interests include feminist, indigenous, and postman rhetorics, and focusing on environmental and women writers. Her publications include “Watershed Ethics and Dam Politics: Mapping Biopolitics, Race and Resistance in Sleep Dealer and Watershed,” inMake Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film(U of Nevada P, 2019); “To ‘See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate’: Princess Mononoke and the Quest for Environmental Balance,” inPrincess Mononoke: Understanding Studio Ghibli’s Monster Princess{Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018), and is currently working on an edited collection of short diary fiction. She is the editor of CCCC’sForum: Issues About Part-Time and Contingent Facultyand is a member of the NCTE Executive Board.

Dana Driscoll is Professor of English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where she teaches in the Composition and Applied Linguistics graduate program. While at Purdue, she served as the Purdue OWL's Coordinator and Technical Coordinator. Her scholarly interests include composition pedagogy, writing centers, writing transfer and writerly development, research methodologies, writing across the curriculum, and assessment. Her work has appeared in journals such asWriting Program Administration, Assessing Writing, Computers and Composition, Composition Forum, Writing Center Journal,andTeaching and Learning Inquiry。她合著与雪莉永利珀杜赢了the International Writing Center Association's 2012 Outstanding Article of the Year Award. She has served on the CCCC Executive Board, CCCC Research Impact Award Committee, and on numerous editorial boards.

Mary Stewart is Associate Professor and the General Education Writing Coordinator for the Literature & Writing Studies Department at California State University, San Marcos. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from University of California-Davis, with a designated emphasis in Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Studies. She also holds an MA in Literature and a BA in English. Her qualitative and quantitative research focuses on collaborative learning, online writing instruction, composition pedagogy, and teaching with technology. Her work has appeared in journals such asComputers and Composition, Composition Forum, The Internet and Higher Education,andJournal of Response to Writing。For more information, visit her website athttps://www.mary-k-stewart.com/

Matthew Vetter is Associate Professor of English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and affiliate faculty in the Composition and Applied Linguistics Ph.D. Program. A scholar in writing, rhetoric, and digital humanities, his research explores how technologies shape writing and writing pedagogy. Vetter’s work has appeared inCollege English, Composition Studies, Composition Forum, Computers and Composition, Pedagogy, Rhetoric Review, andStudies in Higher Education, among other journals. His co-authored book,Wikipedia and the Representation of Reality, is available as an open-access ebook from Routledge. For more information on his work, check out his digital portfolio athttp://mattvetter.net/

Publication Information:Daniels-Lerberg, Trace, Dana Driscoll, Mary Stewart, & Matthew Vetter (Eds.). (2023).Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 5。WritingSpaces.org; Parlor Press; The WAC Clearinghouse.//www.fuctcompany.com/books/writingspaces/writingspaces5/

Publication Date:September 12, 2023

Contact Information:Visithttps://writingspaces.org/masthead/

Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing

Series Editors:Trace Daniels-Lerberg, Dana Driscoll, Mary Stewart, and Matthew Vetter

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Copyright © 2023 Parlor Press. Individual essays © 2023 by the respective authors. Unless otherwise stated, these works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License and are subject to the Writing Spaces Terms of Use. 406 pages, with illustrations and bibliographies. Available in print and eBook formats fromParlor Pressor at any online or brick-and-mortar bookstore. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse and on the Writing Spaces Web site athttps://writingspaces.org/writing-spaces-volume-5/。You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.