令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing

令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing

Series Editors:Trace Daniels-Lerberg, University of Utah; Dana Lynn Driscoll, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Mary Stewart, California State University, San Marcos; and Matthew Vetter, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Associate Editors:科林Charlton, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Rachel Buck, American University of Sharjah; Xiao (Katy) Tan, Duke University

The books in this independent series, which is co-published with令状ingSpaces.organdParlor Press, present peer-reviewed collections of essays—all composed by teachers for students—with each volume freely available for download under a Creative Commons license. The Writing Spaces' mission is to build a library of quality open access texts for the writing classroom as an alternative to costly textbooks, and the series editors have partnered with the WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press to provide wide access to the books. Each series volume contains engaging essays from different writing teachers in the field and explores important topics about writing in a manner and style accessible both to teachers and students. While the first volumes focus on instructional texts for first year composition, future editions may feature texts for writing in the disciplines and professional writing classrooms. Additionally, each collection will be supplemented by classroom activities and exercises which illustrate and implement the ideas discussed by the authors. The founding editors for this series and the editors of its first two volumes are Charles Lowe, Grand Valley State University, and Pavel Zemliansky, James Madison University.

You can download all volumes in the series at the Writing Spaces website (https://writingspaces.org), Parlor Press website (https://parlorpress.com/pages/writing-spaces), and here on the WAC Clearinghouse (//www.fuctcompany.com/books/writingspaces).

Submission and Contact Information

The Call for Proposals for upcoming volumes can be found at令状ingSpaces.org. You can contact the series editors by visitingtheir site information pages. To learn more about contributing to this and other series published by the WAC Clearinghouse, please view the Clearinghouse'sInvitation to Contribute,Diversity Statement,andGuide for Authors and Editors.

令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 5

Edited by Trace Daniels-Lerberg, Dana Driscoll, Mary K. Stewart, and Matthew Vetter

The fifth volume of the Writing Spaces series continues the tradition of earlier volumes with diverse topics such as advanced rhetoric, translanguaging and code-meshing practices, revision workflows, environmental justice, social annotation, Wikipedia, plagiarism, accessibility, data analysis, writing knowledge transfer, and more. ...More

令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 4

Edited by Dana Driscoll, Megan Heise, Mary Stewart, and Matthew Vetter

The fourth volume of the Writing Spaces series continues the tradition of the first two books with topics diverse topics such as place-based research, source credibility, technologies of trust, equitable language practices, social media, accessibility, feedback, racial literacy, research communities, privacy and digital technologies, navigating social contexts, writing workflows, transfer, grading, genre, writing for social change, and more. ...More

令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 3

Edited by Dana Driscoll, Mary Stewart and Matthew Vetter

The third volume of the Writing Spaces series continues the tradition of the first two books with topics such as voice and style in writing, rhetorical appeals, discourse communities, multimodal composing, visual rhetoric, credibility, exigency, working with personal experience in academic writing, globalized writing and rhetoric, constructing scholarly ethos, imitation and style, and rhetorical punctuation. ...More


Edited by Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky

The essays in this volume address topics including the rhetorical situation, collaboration, documentation styles, weblogs, invention, writing assignment interpretation, reading critically, information literacy, ethnography, interviewing, argument, document design, and source integration....More

令状ing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 1

Edited by Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky

The essays in this volume address topics including academic writing, how to interpret writing assignments, motives for writing, rhetorical analysis, revision, invention, writing centers, argumentation, narrative, reflective writing, Wikipedia, patchwriting, collaboration, and genres....More