Series Editors:Steven Fraiberg, Michigan State University;Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte;Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology;Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University;Ana M. Cortés Lagos, Syracuse University (LA Section); andSoledad Montes Sanchez, Lancaster University (LA Section).
Associate Editors:Anna S. Habib, George Mason University; Elitza Kotzeva, American University of Armenia; María de los Ángeles Chimenti, Universidad de Buenos Aires (LA Section); and Vítor Pluceno Behnck, Federal University of Santa Catarina (LA Section).
The International Exchanges on the Study of Writing series publishes books that address worldwide perspectives on writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices, specifically those that draw on scholarship across national and disciplinary borders to challenge parochial understandings of all of the above. TheLatin America Sectionof the International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series publishes peer-reviewed books about writing, writers, teaching with writing, and scholarly writing practices from Latin American perspectives. It also offers re-editions of recognized peer-reviewed books originally published in the region.
Edited by Estela Inés Moyano and Margarita Vidal Lizama
Emerging from more than two decades of work in Latin America, this edited collection explores the implementation of reading and writing programs and centers in Central and South America. Reflecting the multiplicity of theories and gazes that underlies research and practice in teaching and learning to read and write in academic contexts, the contributors to this volume consider how these theoretical and methodological alternatives have contributed to the design and implementation of teaching and learning strategies that address the needs of students, faculty, and institutions while also working with (and around) the resources available in each institutional setting. ...More
By Jay Jordan
In this book, Jay Jordan draws from WAC/WID, second language writing, rhetoric and composition, and scholarship on English teaching and learning in South Korea to describe the ways writing as a privileged literate activity shapes and is shaped by the development of one university’s transnational campuses. Through grounded analysis of three years of student and faculty surveys and interviews, writing samples, observations, and through personal narrative about the author’s experience at both campuses,建立跨国WAC / WID生态文化logyclosely describes and theorizes the intellectual, social, and material complexities of cross-border educational efforts. ...More
Edited by Magnus Gustafsson and Andreas Eriksson
Drawing its chapters from presentations at the 10thconference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), the contributors to this edited collection explore and reflect on the conference theme十字路口的学术写作——Interdisciplinarity, Genre Hybridization, Multilingualism, Digitalization, and Interculturality. The chapters focus on the choices we face as teachers of academic writing and, indeed, as writers who seek publication as we stand at these critical intersections. ...More
Edited by L. Ashley Squires
In the early 2010s, Russian institutions of higher education began responding to the need to internationalize Russian academia through faculty publications and academic mobility programs. The promotion of academic writing courses and writing centers based on international models has been a critical part of that effort, leading to the rapid growth of a field of teaching and scholarship that had not received much attention. This book explores the rationale for importing and adapting international models of academic writing and rhetoric and composition, the role of the English and Russian languages in the development of this field, and the specific needs of faculty and student writers in Russia. ...More
Edited by Natalia Ávila Reyes
This edited collection, published in theLatin America section of the series, offers chapters based on presentations at the Second Latin American Association of Writing Studies in Higher Education and Professional Contexts International Congress (II ALES) held in Santiago, Chile, in 2018. Together, the contributors to the collection—drawn from nine countries and writing in three languages—highlight the many perspectives, resources, and traditions that enrich and expand international conversations about writing, writing instruction, and writing research. ...More
Edited by Cecile Badenhorst, Brittany Amell, and James Burford
What imaginings of the doctoral writer circulate in the talk of doctoral researchers and their supervisors? How do institutional policies and the conventions of particular disciplines shape the ways in which doctoral writing is imagined? Why, and in what ways, has doctoral writing been re-imagined in the twenty-first century? What future imaginings of doctoral writing may be hovering on the horizon? This edited collection has gathered a diverse group of authorsto consider these challenging questions during a time in which doctoral education is undergoing enormous transformation....More
Edited by Bruce Morrison, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, and Alan Urmston
Inspired by papers presented at the second international English Across the Curriculum (EAC) conference, this book provides a platform for those involved in the EAC movement to exchange insights, explore new strategies and directions, and share experiences. It speaks not only to EAC practitioners but also to scholars in a range of related fields, whether they are considering starting an EAC-like initiative or are already involved in an established EAC, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), or Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program....More
Edited by Alanna Frost, Julia Kiernan, and Suzanne Blum Malley
Working within the framework of translanguaging, the contributors to this collection offer nuanced explorations of how translingual dispositions can be facilitated in English-medium postsecondary writing programs and classrooms. The authors and editors comprise a wide array of writing scholars from diverse teaching and learning contexts with a corresponding array of institutional, disciplinary, and pedagogical expectations and pressures....More
Edited by Charles Bazerman, Blanca Yaneth González Pinzón, David Russell, Paul Rogers, Luis Bernardo Peña, Elizabeth Narváez, Paula Carlino, Montserrat Castelló, and Mónica Tapia-Ladino
The chapters in this volume highlight the rapid growth of writing studies in Ibero-America, with its strong concern for critical thought, educational advance, and communal development, alongside new approaches to writing globally, with a focus on the relationship of writing and the growth of knowledge in individuals, professions, and societies....More
Edited by Sylvie Plane, Charles Bazerman, Fabienne Rondelli, Christiane Donahue, Arthur N. Applebee, Catherine Boré, Paula Carlino, Martine Marquilló Larruy, Paul Rogers, and David Russell
In February 2014, 1200 researchers from 60 countries assembled in Paris for the third Writing Research Across Borders conference. Although this book cannot convey fully the rich diversity of the gathering, it attempts nonetheless to highlight key questions which are shaping the current state of research in the field of writing studies....More
Edited by Lisa R. Arnold, Anne Nebel, and Lynne Ronesi
The editors and contributors to this collection share scholarship that addresses how writing programs and writing-across-the-curriculum initiatives—in the Middle East-North Africa region and outside of it—are responding to the increasing globalization of higher education and contributing to international discussions about World Englishes and other language varieties as well as translingual approaches to writing and writing pedagogy....More
Edited by Theresa Lillis, Kathy Harrington, Mary R. Lea, and Sally Mitchell
The editors and contributors to this collection explore what it means to adopt an "academic literacies" approach in policy and pedagogy. Transformative practice is illustrated through case studies and critical commentaries from teacher-researchers working in a range of higher education contexts—from undergraduate to postgraduate levels, across disciplines, and spanning geopolitical regions including ....More
Edited by Terry Myers Zawacki and Michelle Cox
This edited collection pursues the ambitious goal of including within WAC theory, research, and practice the differing perspectives, educational experiences, and voices of second-language writers. The editors and authors not only report new research but also share a wealth of pedagogical, curricular, and programmatic practices relevant to second-language writers....More
By Andy Kirkpatrick and Zhichang Xu
The authors of Chinese Rhetoric and Writing offer a response to the argument that Chinese students' academic writing in English is influenced by "culturally nuanced rhetorical baggage that is uniquely Chinese and hard to eradicate." Noting that this argument draws from "an essentially monolingual and Anglo-centric view of writing," they point out that the rapid growth in the use of English worldwide calls for "a radical reassessment of what English is in today's world." ...More
The WAC Clearinghouse supports teachers of writing across the disciplines. The site receives support from Colorado State University and from its editorial staff and editorial review board and its hundreds of members who, through their collaborative efforts, add to and update information on the site. For more information about the Clearinghouse, please see oursite information page. University Press of Colorado is a nonprofit cooperative publishing enterprise supported by several Western universities. For more information,